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Sign Language Interpreter -Part Time
Job Posted
Piedmont Public Schools
Yukon, OK 73099
United States
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Job Description
Job Title:
Educational Sign Language Interpreter
Completed requirements for Educational Interpreters as outlined by the Oklahoma State
Department of Education.
Reports to:
Job Goal:
Facilitate communication and access to general education curriculum for students who are Deaf,
hard of hearing, or Deaf/Blind, matching the communication modality and language level of the
student. Collaborate with school staff to provide quality interpretation for students. Support assigned
student's academic, social, and cognitive growth.
Performance Responsibilities:
Provide interpretation and/or transliteration services for students who are Deaf, Deaf/Blind, hard of hearing, and the hearing professionals and students who communicate with them.
Abide by NAD-RID/EIPA Interpreter's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Comply with all policies and procedures of assigned school.
Facilitate communication through use of sign languages, spoken English, cultural mediation, and knowledge about accessibility.
Interpret within social and academic settings as appropriate/needed:
Direct and overheard conversations in the vicinity of the student
Class instruction, lectures, tutoring, and tests
Assemblies, field trips, graduations, sports, band/choir concerts, and any other school activities the student participates in.
Keep all essential classroom information, needs of the student, IEP/504 information, and any adaptations confidential. Bring any questions or concerns to the attention of the IEP Teacher of Record or 504 Counselor.
Encourage staff members to collaborate with the student who is Deaf, Deaf/Blind, or hard of hearing, teachers, and their IEP or 504 team.
Render the message faithfully, always conveying the content and spirit of the speaker, using the language most readily understood by the person(s) being serve
Refrain from providing counsel, advice, or interjecting personal opinions into interpreted situations that are beyond the scope of practice.
Respect student autonomy and maintain a professional, respectful attitude towards students
Demonstrate professional appearance, conduct, flexibility, and promptness. Interpreters should dress in solid colors that provide contrast to their skin tone.
Strive to further knowledge and skills through participation in workshops, professional meetings, interaction with professional colleagues, and reading of current literature in the field.
Prepare for course material as necessary for successful interpreting or transliterating and growth of the student who is Deaf, Deaf/Blind, or hard of hearing.
Educate consumers about using interpreting services and providing visual access to deaf and hard of hearing students.
Assist in education for staff about note-takers and closed-captioned materials, adaptive tools.
Provide tutoring, assistance, extra explanation, and/or rephrasing for lessons as necessary for clarification of concepts.
Required certification must be maintained and kept current by the interpreter at all times.
Terms of Employment:
Nine months basis. Salary to be established by the Board.
Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of the Board's
Policy of Evaluation of Support Personnel.
Physical Demands:
Normal demands as required by performance responsibilities.